Take the Car Free Day Pledge and win!
RideShare Delaware -- Take the pledge to go car free or car-lite on Monday, September 22nd, and be entered to win a $50 gift card (to Target, Walmart or Wawa – you choose)! You may still pledge and be entered for a chance to win even if you’re already using alternative transportation modes, such as bicycles, walking, transit, teleworking, and carpooling.
All pledges made through September 21, 2014 will be entered into the prize raffle drawing. Scroll down to complete pledge form!
Car Free Day is an international event celebrated every September 22 in which people are encouraged to get around without cars and instead ride a train, bus, bicycle, carpool, vanpool, subway, or walk.
To participate in this fun and worthwhile event, all you need to do is fill out the pledge form, then go car free or rely less on your car by going car-lite on Monday September 22. It’s that simple! Once you pledge, you’re automatically entered for a chance to win a $50 gift card along with the saving you’ll see at the gas pump! Car Free Day is organized in various cities throughout the world in different ways, but with the common goal reducing the number of cars on the streets. The benefit to greater society is a day with less traffic congestion, a greener environment and reduced gasoline demand. Today, Car Free Day includes celebrations in 1,500 cities in 40 countries. [Visit the event web page for complete details!]
Also, don't forget to register your commute and become eligible for several benefits, including 5 FREE emergency rides home.
Never get a re-treated spare tire, or even a first-class imitation of the original. These may break easily if you plan to travel over rough roads.
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