Tuesday, February 28, 2023

DelDOT: NO to Shared Zone signage on Creek Road

Creek Road on a recent winter's day
Sadly, DelDOT has denied Advocate's pleas for Shared Zone signage on Creek Road. Creek Road is a historic, narrow, 2-lane, unimproved rural route that extends from Newark through the White Clay Creek Valley. It is especially rich with pedestrian and bicycling activity just north of Newark, given University of Delaware's vast student population. It was abandoned for auto use starting about 0.8 miles south of Wedgewood Road, as much of the asphalt collapsed into the White Clay Creek, but enough width remains for dedicated trail use.

Creek Road is not actually a road; though rural, it qualifies as a Street and shared-use path (Pomeroy Trail) system. Upon our initial ask, Delaware State Parks eagerly embraced the idea and installed Shared Zone signs on DSP-managed roads open to automobiles. However, despite Creek Road having the highest mode-share by far, DelDOT wouldn't allow it. In a response from a DelDOT spokesperson:

DelDOT has implemented the low stress bikeway practices and designs. The Newark Bikeways signs was collaboration between Bike Newark, Wilmapco, Delaware Greenways, City of Newark and DelDOT. Traffic’s view is that this portion of Creek Rd is dedicated to highlight the low stress Newark Bikeway as far as signage is concerned. We don’t recommend any additional signage at this time. We can engage the City of Newark to see if they would like to include any in their limits along Creek Rd.

Traffic Studies also worked with Captain McDerby and Park Superintendent Lee with the posting of additional 25 mph speed limit signs. They stated it is a huge help with providing pedestrian, bike safety on this road for visitors entering White Clay Creek State Park.  

Sure, speed limit signs where before there were none helps. But DelDOT is citing the small, brown, relatively inconspicuous "Low Stress Bikeway" sign as adequate. We disagree, especially since bikes are the minority of  non-motorized users, and cars -- many speeding -- are expected to mix with majority walkers, hikers, runners etc.

Delaware is ranked the most dangerous State to bike in, and consistently ranks top 3 in pedestrian fatalities. As of March 1, 4 bicyclists have already been killed in Delaware. At this rate it'll be 24 for the year -- annihilating past (annual per-capita) totals of any State. To make matters worse, Delaware has no Statewide advocacy organization fighting in the interests of bike/ped safety.

If DelDOT is so mired in regulations that they cannot make this simple improvement, then they must develop, test and approve a similar custom sign for Delaware's MUTCD (traffic devices manual pdf). Advocates have offered to help, similar to the W11-1-DE project, but DelDOT has declined to answer.

When common sense is defied in such a manner, we cannot help but question the State's sincerity in terms of non-motorized encouragement and safety, climate mitigation and the greater good. Let's hope things change, and that DelDOT engineers and planners are given more autonomy to create safe streets environments.

Shared Zone implemented throughout White Clay Creek State Park -- except on Creek Road where it's needed most.