CRITICAL: I-95 and SR 896 Interchange Project
Ogletown Road and the Folly of Bike Delaware
Where is Bike Delaware on projects that really matter?
Where is Bike Delaware on these top 5 action items?
Above: Most of S. College Ave south of I95 has some type of separate biking infrastructure, including 8' wide asphalt paths and 25 mph frontage roads with shoulders. The intersections are still dangerous by design, with the usual slip lanes and unregulated crosswalks. But bicyclists and walkers can stay off the highway nonetheless. The segment (marked as a red line above) where Mr Frederick was killed is the only section of S. College/SR896 that does not have such a facility, even though it easily could have when the highway was last "upgraded". For the record, Bike Delaware never advocates for these types of facilities, and in fact, they even opposed past efforts at dedicated funding that would have addressed such individual needs and projects.