Above: The Orphanage Property Trail & Pathway system as mapped with
GPS. The land was lost to Govt corruption, and with that, the last chance at a regional park and bike path facilities for the Ogletown-S. Newark region. |
Saving the last significant open space on the entire Rt.4 corridor suitable for such a purpose did have serious ties to biking in the region, including a bicycle-friendly destination, local place-making, and an enhanced quality of life. Now being paved over with hundreds of unneeded homes, thousands of residents are forever condemned to racking up and driving their bikes (or sneakers, if walking or running) about 20 minutes, either to Glasgow or Pike Creek if they wish to enjoy such a facility. This contradicts Gov Ruth Ann Minner's Livable DE and the Trails & Pathways initiatives, among others.
Notoriously absent among the STOP campaign's endorsements was of course Bike Delaware, who would never support open space or parkland acquisition if approached. Their Exec Director has even been quoted as questioning why anyone would. As opposed to their pro-development stance, 1st State Bikes is committed to a built environment in balance with the natural world. Not only is this critical for the well-being of humanity, but there is a whole host of socio-economic and environmental reasons why this is vital, if not imperative.
This is all for now. Here are the most recent links to our partner blog "Ogletown Resilience", bringing to a bitter end what was an exemplary campaign in the name of responsible land use.
STOP's Top 10 Unanswered Questions
Highest of odds that SR4 intersections already fail at LOS grade "F"
No stopping the Chestnut Hill "Preserve"
Conflict of Interest is not enough for Ethics Commission
Will NCC and DE turn a blind eye to the worst of unethical behavior?
Guest Contributor Bill Dilks: Felician Sisters Orphanage Property
Why didn't STOP Legislators invoke Eminent Domain?
"Ogletown Park" timeline mostly subjective, unproven
NCC, DelDOT appear resolute in accommodating Chestnut Hill "Preserve"
STOP Update: Construction rolls on despite AP Claim
STOP: Another Window Opens
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