Friday, October 31, 2014

Secretary Bhatt in a wig at the Penn Farm (Route 273) Trail Ribbon Cutting

Penn Farm Trail ribbon cutting today. Transportation Secretary Shailen Bhatt is standing 2nd from right, wearing a wig and striped tie.

L-R: Heather Dunigan (Planner, Wilmapco), James Wilson (Executive Director, Bike Delaware), unknown, unknown, Shailen Bhatt (Secretary of Transportation, DelDOT), and Amy Wilburn (Chair, Delaware Bicycle Council). -- Photo by Melissa Nann Burke

Thank you Heather Dunigan for posting this excellent photo. Unfortunately at this time, an on-line search reveals nothing in the way of coverage for this event. Stay tuned for any updates.

In the meantime, feel free to post any related article links in our comments section below!

Related: The Route 273 Multi-Use Trail Ribbon Cutting

Thursday, October 30, 2014

CAR-NAGE: 2 bicyclists injured in New Castle County

Published today in Delaware On-Line:
  • A bicyclist suffered serious injuries when he was struck by an automobile Thursday morning. The accident happened just after 8:30 a.m. at East Chestnut Hill and Salem Church roads, said Cpl. Abigail Haas of New Castle County paramedics. She said paramedics treated the 23-year-old man for injuries to his head, leg and possible internal injuries. He was taken by ambulance to Christiana Hospital in serious condition, Haas said. State police are investigating but have not released details on the crash. [Check here for possible updates ...]
Photo by Angela Connolly
  • A bicyclist was seriously injured in a crash Thursday in Greenville, according to New Castle County paramedics. The accident happened about noon on New London Road south of Pyles Ford Road. The man was treated by paramedics before he was taken to Christiana Hospital, said Cpl. Abigail Haas, a paramedic spokeswoman. New Castle County police are investigating but have released no details on the crash. [Check here for possible updates ...]
Photo by John J. Jankowski Jr

For green commuting, bicycling hardly registers in Delaware

The Weather Channel -- If you’re like the vast majority of Americans, you probably still head off to work every morning in your own car by yourself. But in certain states, commuters are finding greener ways to get to the office, according to

Whether it’s walking, biking, taking public transit, carpooling or simply working from home, leaving your car in the garage can help reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment.

The U.S. Census Bureau’s 2013 American Community Survey reveals which states are getting it right – and which ones have room for improvement. [Full article ...]

Poster's note: Delaware is dismal, and will remain dismal as long as the following continues:
  • We only apply Complete Streets with total road reconstruction, when we should be applying it with all projects including repaving and re-striping (this was in the original Complete Streets policy draft, but was pulled shortly before Gov. Markell signed it).
  • For those who try to bike, what they find is a smattering of network facility pieces (occasional bike lanes and pathways), usually leading nowhere or feeding into a dangerous situation.
  • The WNJ is rife with stories - every few days it seems - about high speed crashes resulting in death and carnage (here, here, and here of late).
  • Drivers, including new and inexperienced teens, are splitting their attention between i-Phones and the road in front of them with no fear of prosecution.
  • Gas prices are plunging, resulting in a renaissance of Truck and SUV sales (by contrast, when nearly $4/gal was reached, bicycle sales measurably increased).
All things considered, the prospects are bleak that modeshare will increase anytime soon - not just here but most of the U.S.

College Ave in Newark
Salem Church Road in Bear

"I'm not  100% convinced everyone at DelDOT is following the same rules, but my understanding is that typically when a bike lane stops there is no paint at all. It looks like someone is saying there is no approved design, so they will use their unapproved design that tells motorists that bicyclists and pedestrians are painted off the road, rather than an unapproved design that recognizes the ROW of bicyclists or pedestrians”  ~ Steve Bertolini

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Route 13 Bike Lane Survey ends on January 1, 2015

AASHTO compliant bike lanes were installed on Route 13 almost 2 years ago. DelDOT rightfully included the non-motorized in the Pave & Rehab process, as a steady stream of bicycle commuters pedal daily (and take transit) on what most consider Delaware's most popular Main Street. We are running this simple survey, to give DelDOT some basic feedback, and let them know whether or not the addition of bike lanes has helped safety along this busy corridor.

If you have cycled the corridor since the last repaving project, please click on the survey below to open up a printable version, or simply use the on-line version HERE

Please help distribute this survey, by liberally forwarding or cross-posting this link to those you know who might bike - or has biked on Route 13 since the bike lanes were installed. Route 13 is anything but hospitable to non-motorized road users, but as one respondent commented, "It's a start, but a slow one". Few will disagree that adding bike facilities with lane reshuffling and delineation is a cost effective way to get the ball rolling in terms of Complete Streets implementation. And the streets are all we have, and will have for generations to come, in nearly every corner of Delaware.

Above: An artist's rendition of Route 13/DuPont Highway, as it was originally planned in the 1800s. Imagine what might have been, had we chosen a balanced approach to transportation planning, as it is throughout most of Europe.

Bicycling safety statistics aren't quite what they seem

Alliance: The News Reports About Bicycling Fatalities Aren't Quite Right. Here's Why.

The Alliance for Biking and Walking -- Just in time for Halloween, a recent bicycle safety report from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) came with a spooky press release. "The number of bicyclists killed on U.S. roadways is trending upward," the presser warned.

Media outlets jumped to report the GHSA's conclusions: the LA Times led with the headline "Bicycle traffic deaths soar; California leads nation."

But there are some fundamental issues with the analysis that leads to these spooky conclusions.

Before we start number-crunching, let's examine the assumption that biking is an unsafe activity. In fact, the quantified health benefits of active transportation can outweigh any risks associated with these activities by as much as 77 to 1, and add more years to our lives than are lost from inhaled air pollution and traffic injuries (Rojas-Rueda et al., 2011; Jacobsen and Rutter, 2012).

And the numbers definitely don't tell as clear a story as the press release suggests.

The new GHSA report looks at pure fatality numbers: the number of people who died while biking on U.S. roads in 2010, 2011, and 2012. That number did indeed see a slight uptick in 2012, but has been trending downwards overall: bicyclist fatalities decreased 30% (965 to 677) from 1980 to 2011. [Full article ...]

Poster's note: An interesting article on this topic was featured a year ago in the New York Times: How Safe Is Cycling? It’s Hard to Say

Above: Delaware's numbers are hardly conclusive, ranking anywhere from #1 to #50 where fatalities are concerned. It should be noted that a bicyclist can be anyone on a bike, including those who have lost their license for DUI (common). You can be drunk and/or on the wrong side of the road and be counted.

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Route 273 Multi-Use Trail Ribbon Cutting

DelDOT will be holding a ribbon cutting at 1 p.m. on Friday, October 31 for the all new Route 273 Pathway in the City of New Castle. They would be pleased if bicyclists can come, and take an inaugural ride on the path as a group. Map to the start location is at bottom.

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"We have chosen not to actively support Cherokee Schill's case" - LAB

Cross-posted from Baltimore Spokes

LAB's response to the Schill case here.

B' Spokes: Let's say there are a range of responses we could expect expect from LAB, I am fully sympathetic as to why LAB has not cranked it up to 11 on this case but zero support? OK maybe one on the scale, as they did do a nice blog post on riding with Schill. But still we have all faced harassment from motorist and there are too many police officers who seem to think the cyclist is always at fault no mater what. The attitudes behind this case are universal and should be addressed.

If gun safety was like bicycle safety, it would be illegal to stand in front of a gun.

What is needed is a change of attitudes, a public relation campaign if you would. It is not right that the fastest mode of travel has the unspoken "right" not to be delayed in the slightest even though they could easily make up that delay but slower modes of transportation should not mind going even slower. Half hour or longer detours, no problem since they were going slow to begin with :/  [Full story ...]

Poster's note: No surprise here at all. LAB also refused to support Delaware Bikes and the Delaware Bicycle Council in their struggles with Bike Delaware for a balanced approach to advocacy. LAB refuses to acknowledge the uphill battle faced when the State's most influential advocacy organization (tasked with representing all bicyclist types) focuses almost entirely on segregated pathways. They refused to get involved when sincerely asked for help, to mediate an MOU that the different organizations could work toward, to set working parameters with the hope of one day working together. Several of Delaware's road bicycling advocates and supporters have not renewed their LAB membership as a result.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

MDOT to install "Bicycles May Use Full Lane" warning signs on Route 896

We are pleased to report some wonderful progress in neighboring Cecil County

Amy Wilburn, Chair of the Delaware Bicycle Council, followed our action alert by asking MDOT for Share the Road signs along MD 896. Michael Jackson, Director of Bicycle and Pedestrian Access, responded with the following:

Thanks for writing. Regarding MD Route 896, I have received the following word from the Maryland State Highway Administration [SHA] yesterday:

We have initiated a work order to install the W16-1(3) sign at each end of this section of MD 896. We determined that a warning sign to alert motorists that bikes may be in the lane would be of greater use. The  florescent yellow of the warning sign provides that little more punch through the shade that grabs the motorists attention. We expect the signs to be installed within the next 45 to 60 days, weather permitting. 

This is a warning sign with black letters on a yellow background alerting motorists that bicycles may be present in the travel lane.

A huge tip of the helmet to Michael Jackson, MDOT, and SHA for putting safety and common sense at the forefront. According to the Maryland's Bicycle Policy & Design Guidelines manual, this sign is used under the following circumstances:

W16-1(3) The BICYCLES MAY USE FULL LANE sign should be installed at locations where lane widths and/or other conditions create an extraordinary hazard for bicyclists sharing a lane with motorized vehicles on roadways where no specific bicycle facility such as bicycle lanes, shared lanes, or adjacent shoulders exist. This sign, as shown in Figure 3.6, shall be used only where "substandard width" lanes could make it particularly unsafe for a bicyclist to travel along the right curb or edge of the roadway.

What we have learned from this effort is that Maryland's State Highway Administration is less hard-line than DelDOT when it comes to custom bicycle signs. The above is not found in the National MUTCD. The closest was a similar sign used by the City of San Francisco, CA.

We think it is safe to say that, had this stretch of Route 896 been in Delaware, the best we could have hoped for would be the standard W11-1 Bicycle Warning Sign with no plaque of any kind. Unfortunately, most traffic engineers would agree that this sign by itself has little impact on motorist's behavior toward bicyclists in the roadway. In fact, its original intent was to warn drivers of bicyclists entering the roadway ahead, not riding on the roadway itself.

A more creative, and accurate use of the W11-1 sign would entail using the words "On Roadway" as depicted on the right. Don't expect this anytime soon, though.

The section in Delaware's MUTCD that specifies the bicycle warning sign is above. You can also access the manual on-line, and scroll down to page F.2.3. DelDOT's revised use of the sign - as campaigned for by Bike Delaware - does not currently match its intended use.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Introducing the "EZ Roller Ride"

By Corinth Ford -- Would you like to get out on your bike for fun as well as exercise?  Are you interested in a relaxing group ride to a fun destination? This ride may be for you!

The EZ Rollers meet on the third Sunday of every month at Saxbys Coffee on Amstel Avenue. All who are interested will meet at 10:00 a.m. for coffee or tea, with a planned departure time of 10:30.

The route out to Milburn Orchards
Destinations will vary, depending on rider suggestion. Among the favorites this time of year is Milburn Orchards in Cecil County MD, (just 6.5 miles from Saxbys) where we'll take a rest stop for warm apple cider donuts. Distances will vary, but expect somewhere between 10 and 20 miles, depending on weather and how everyone feels.

Special note: This ride does not have a dedicated leader; everyone rides at their own risk. I am coordinating the ride by asking everyone who is interested to contact me, so I can start an email list. With this list, I will provide monthly reminders about the ride. Everyone will meet at Saxbys 1/2 hour before we leave, and it's expected that sub-groups will form based on desired pace. The route will be easy to follow; favoring marked bike paths where possible.

This is an entirely new concept for group riding in the Newark area, where bicyclists of all abilities can meet, make friends, and at least start off together in a group setting. Email Corinth Ford at: to express your interest and get added to the e-mail list for the EZ Roller Ride today!

Monday, October 20, 2014

MDOT: Please install Share the Road signs on Route 896

Newark area bicyclists that enjoy riding northwest into Chester County PA all know that Route 896 (New London Road) is the most practical way to get there. In Delaware, 896 has generous shoulders between the City of Newark and the Maryland State line. Once in Pennsylvania, the shoulders are marginal, but offer some safety for those using it as a connector between rural and known bicycle-friendly roads. However .... the short stretch in Maryland between the two states (approximately 1/3 of a mile) has no shoulders, despite a recent repaving. It is circled in red above.

View Larger Map

As seen in the Streetview above, it is downright scary, and unsafe, when your comfortably wide shoulder suddenly disappears and the lane is all you have on a busy corridor. Most intermediate to advanced cyclists will continue on, because it is relatively short and the connection to beautiful horse country (via Elbow, Strickersville, etc) is well worth it. But it is never a pleasant experience when cars begin to cue up behind, and the risk of aggressive behavior or a road rage incident increases.

We believe that Share the Road signs are long overdue along this stretch, and we respectfully ask the Maryland Department of Transportation to honor its commitment to safety and provide these much needed features ASAP. We will also call on their Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee to address this issue, if necessary.

The appropriate excerpt from the State Highway Administration's Complete Streets policy is below.

Michael Jackson, MDOT
Cecil County has been virtually disregarded when it comes to Maryland Complete Streets. Maybe this will be a first, one that will benefit bicyclists throughout the tri-state area.

If you agree with Delaware Bikes on this issue, please email MDOT's Michael Jackson (right), Director of Bicycle and Pedestrian Access, at Be sure to include a link to this article. In the past, Michael has proven himself as a valuable ally to advocates. He answered the call to revise the SHA's rumble strip design guidance to accommodate bicyclists. A history of that effort can be viewed HERE.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Take part in Bike Delaware's candidate survey

Segregated facilities are a key component in the planning of bicycle-friendly communities, if the right connections are made (services, safe roads, etc). We urge our readers to email their representatives - if they are contested - and ask them to participate in Bike Delaware's candidate survey. Excerpts From their website:

This week Bike Delaware, along with its campaign partners Sussex Outdoors and Delaware Greenways, is conducting a survey of all the folks running for state senator and state representative (who have an opponent in their race). We have conducted similar surveys in the last two elections (in 2010 and 2012). In those previous surveys, we heard back from about half of the candidates we surveyed. Can you help us get an even better response rate this election cycle? If the candidates running to represent you get an email or phone call from you (their registered-to-vote potential constituent!) asking if they have responded to the Bike Delaware / Sussex Outdoors / Delaware Greenways candidate survey, that communication from you will make it more likely that they will read, and respond to, the survey.

One way of finding out who is running to represent you is to just look around your neighborhood at the signs on the streets. If you see a lot of those signs, there is probably a contested election. Or you can email us with your home address and we’ll email you back letting you know if you are in a contested election and the contact information for the candidates. Or you can do this:

1) Lookup your senatorial district number and representative district number (enter your address, click “Find” and click on the map)

2) Find your senator and representative districts in this list to see if you are in contested race

If you do live in a district with a contested race, the next next few days are a golden opportunity to send an email or make a phone call to the candidates running to represent you. Tell them you support more walkable and bikeable communities!  Let the people running to represent you know that waking and cycling are important to you! And help make our democracy work!

If you’re having any trouble figuring out if you live in a district with a contested election or with finding contact information for candidates, just email Bike Delaware (at, tell us your home address and we’ll email you back and let you know. [Read the article in its entirety ...]

Saturday, October 18, 2014

2014 Mountain Bike Jamboree on October 25

The 2014 MTB Jamboree at Fair Hill is NEXT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25TH. Join the Trailspinners for…
  • Group rides on marked trails with 3 distance options ranging from 8 miles to almost 30 miles. Trails will be marked with waypoints at major intersections and bright colored ribbons after intersections. And we will be distributing detailed maps to show you the way.
  • Bike demos from Scott, Niner and Breezer
  • Bike shop and other industry vendors such as Klean Kanteen, Garrison's Cyclery, Lazy Athlete, Henry's Bikes and more
  • Beer from Dogfish and the Homebrewers Beer Garden
  • Live music from Lost & Found
  • Food trucks - I Don't Give a Fork and The Wandering Chef
  • Bike Games
  • Raffle including a Küat hitch rack, Pedros tool kit, Oakleys, Twin Six apparel, Dogfish apparel, Lazy Athlete gift certificate, Gates/Osprey Pack
And more! Visit the 2014 Mountain Bike Jamboree event webpage for complete details, including links to the vendors listed above.

Above and below: Scenes from the 2011 Jamboree. The event has grown significantly since then. Please consider riding your bike to the event!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sarah Buttner for State Senate, District 4

From Sarah's website -- A long time resident of Dstrict 4, Sarah (aka "Sally") Buttner is experienced, energetic, and hard working and seeks the honor of serving the 4th District in the Delaware State Senate.

Sarah had a career at the DuPont Company, much of it in the legislative and regulatory arena focused on employee benefit issues. She had the opportunity to represent DuPont on Washington trade groups, to testify to the IRS, and work on a number of legislative and regulatory issues. She also led a number of committees in the trade associations.

Sarah was Policy Advisor to the Commissioners of the Public Service Commission, the agency that regulates certain public utilities. From there, she established her own consultancy and works with Delaware State agencies on energy policy issues.

Sarah is active in her community. She is a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church and has served as Deacon. She is a member of her neighborhood's maintenance, sign and by-laws committees. She is a past civic association president. She was co-chair of White Clay Bicycle Club's fund raising Shore Fire Century and member of its Executive Committee. She is a member of the Delaware Nature Society, and the Nature Conservancy. She is Treasurer of the Delaware Chapter of the Energy Services Coalition, and a member of the Delaware Valley Green Building Council.

Sarah holds a Masters in Energy and Environmental Policy from the University of Delaware, a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Delaware, and a Bachelors Degree, Cum Laude, in Economics from Randolph College.

Sarah is an avid bicyclist and rode from the border with Canada back to her house this past June. You can read all about the adventure in this 2 part series on Delaware Bikes.

Sally, firmly in control on the climbs during the 2014 Hawk Mountain Weekend in May. This 3 day tour included two days of approximately 100 miles, and a lesser day in the 80± range.

Bicycling Skill-Share at the Urban Bike Project

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The role of transportation in promoting physical activity

Active Living Research -- Neighborhoods designed for active travel can increase routine physical activity for residents of all ages. This infographic highlights evidence that sidewalks, connected bike facilities, public transportation and traffic calming are strategies that can make it easier for people to reach their destination without the use of a private vehicle.

In 2010, the Campaign for Active Transportation was launched, but like 99% of other bills introduced in Congress, it had virtually no chance of passing.

Wilmapco wrote the following in their case statement: Imagine a future where fitness and transportation are intertwined in our daily lives and bicycling and walking are safe, convenient, and desirable transportation choices for short trips. Mixed-use, walkable neighborhoods are the preferred places to live, as people seek lower energy costs, shorter commutes and more quality time in their own communities; residents take pride in knowing their neighbors and socializing on daily walks. Traffic congestion is eased, as more people find transit, pedestrian and cycling trips cost-effective and enjoyable; air quality is bolstered with fewer cars on the road. Children gain a sense of independence from having safe routes to schools, libraries and parks; seniors too remain active, healthy and independent by walking and bicycling regularly. In this future, our economy benefits too from fewer costly roadway improvements and a flourishing industry of active recreation and heritage tourism.

Related: No hope Congress passed fewer than 1% of bills introduced in 2013

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

3 ways that parklets could help [Newark] businesses

Cross-posted from CityLab -- How you feel about parklets - street-parking spaces converted into temporary gathering spots - depends in large part on how you get around the city. If you walk or take a bike, and generally prefer a more human scale to the urban environment, you probably love these little plazas and sitting places. If you drive and spend much of your life in the endless Costanzian battle that is finding a parking spot, you probably don't.

Those positions aren't likely to budge anytime soon. So the real tiebreaking question, at least in terms of public opinion, is how businesses themselves feel about repurposing their storefront parking spots for pedestrians. If Chicago retailers are any indication, get ready for the parklets.

Chicago started allowing businesses to create parklets called People Spots a few years ago. Nine emerged across the city: two in Andersonville, four in Lake View, one in the downtown Loop, and two in Bronzeville. This past summer, the local Metropolitan Planning Council evaluated the business impact of these spots by recording a full day's activity at each and interviewing parklet users and retailer owners alike. [Full article ...]

Poster's note: This could be a wonderful opportunity for Newark if the space was available for proper buffering - and some kind of noise protection. According to the Newark Post, City staff is currently discussing the concept. With sidewalk space already tight, parklets would have to occupy parallel parking spaces between the curb and lane of traffic. With drivers texting and on cell phones, and deafening noise from modified exhaust systems in motorcycles and cars, it's doubtful many will want to sit immediately adjacent to the traffic lanes. At least one instance of a vehicle crashing into a parklet has been recorded. Unless the Newark police start enforcing the law where quality of life is concerned, including vehicle noise ordinances, a better use would be to install a few bicycle parking corrals. This would help maintain space on the sidewalk, while providing the same benefit of greater pedestrian visibility.

“Like locusts eating the fields, so do cars take possession of our streets and squares”  ~ W. Forst

Of course, true progress would mean full or at least partial pedestrianization of Main Street, as seen below in the City of Charlottesville VA. Here, residents relax and enjoy a peaceful, non-threatening 8 blocks of totally car-free space. On Main Street in Newark, that is anything but the case, and may never be.

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Monday, October 13, 2014

It's time to take back the streets in Wilmington

Better Block Wilmington brings new life to Union Street

Cross-posted from Bike Delaware -- For three days last month, the 600 block of Union Street in West Side Wilmington looked a bit different than usual. For these three days (August 11-13), one lane of traffic was closed to vehicles and converted into a lively, vibrant public space where residents could sit, eat, relax, listen to music, and enjoy the re-purposing of an otherwise abrasive environment. This temporary transformation was the doing of Better Block Wilmington, Delaware’s first incarnation of the Better Block Project.

The Better Block Project is a nationally-recognized demonstration tool in which residents temporarily modify the looks and functionality of a small part of their neighborhood. Better Block Projects aim to identify and offer solutions to community concerns of pedestrian safety, livability, and aesthetics. Exhibited over a short period of time and organized with a minimal budget, these projects show how small changes can yield large impacts for businesses, individuals and the community as a whole. [Full article ...]

In other news, it appears that Wilmington's Transportation Enhancements Grant has finally been approved. With it, Bike Wilmington (WBAC) will successfully attain $200,000 to implement bike infrastructure improvements within the City. The effort will address four (4) primary corridors that will serve to connect the City’s neighborhoods to the downtown commercial district. Additionally, the Committee will be working with its consultant McCormick Taylor, DART, Wilmington Initiatives and the Challenge Program to develop a cutting edge, multi-modal bus shelter prototype that will serve the needs of transit riders and bicyclists.

The above improvements were criticized by Bike Delaware, and slow to gain traction within City government. However, Wilmapco Council voted on May 8th to give these improvements the highest priority in the TIP (Transportation Improvement Plan).

The use of sharrows and signage isn’t perfect, but the City will get miles of visible routes on a very small budget, providing for an excellent start. It is important to note that the project was developed and supported by the community itself. You can also visit Wilmington's Bicycle Plan, developed in conjunction with Wilmapco.

The City of Wilmington has an awful lot going for it, including a spectacular Grand Prix every May. Don't miss it in 2015! Visit the event website for details.

In addition, Bike Wilmington has been coordinating and assisting the Department of Public Works to determine logical and safe locations for bike parking (racks) throughout the City. Phase I of a City-wide rack install effort is complete; phase II is under research and development; and a final phase is set to occur next Spring. Sharrows have already been installed on Market Street with the above mentioned sharrows to follow in the near future. If you are aware of a location that is in need of bike parking, please contact Leah Kacanda at

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Crossing I95 in the Newark Area: Route 896 (College Avenue)


The 3rd of an eight part series, we are examining every I95 overpass/underpass in the greater Newark area from a bicycling safety perspective. Crossing I95 is a major impediment for City and area bicyclists, and a show stopper for many who might otherwise consider commuting or riding for basic transportation. Of the eight, we already know the following:
  • 2 are equipped with a truly safe, segregated pathway intended for non-motorized use - but are not necessarily safe to reach on a bike.
  • 2, including this one, contain access ramps to and from I95 in both directions, rendering them totally unsafe.
  • 6 are direct crossings with no I95 access, but contain little or no bikeable shoulder space.
  • By request of Delaware Bikes Advocates, 4 are under consideration for Bicycle Warning Signs.

The Route 896/College Avenue I95 overpass
is just east of Welsh Tract Road, and is very dangerous for bicycles. A safe crossing of I95 here has been the wish of Newark area bicyclists for decades. As a result, bicycle warning signs were recently installed leading up to, along, and beyond the span.

Tips for crossing I95 on Route 896:
  • None. In the interest of safety, avoid this crossing. Try and use Welsh Tract or Route 72 instead.
  • If you must do it, south to north is slightly less dangerous, only because it doesn't contain a cloverleaf merge.
  • If at all convenient, consider using DART Transit. The 55 bus crosses I95 between Newark and Peoples Plaza (map).

On occasion, bicyclists can be seen using the Route 896 crossing over I95. We seriously do not recommend using this road. When most of these bridge spans were built, little or no consideration was given to the non-motorized.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Has "Share The Road" helped or hurt bicycle safety?

In North America, "Share The Road" (STR) is one of the most, if not the most popular slogan used when it comes to education and enforcement. The League of American Bicyclists website reveals a dozen or more articles and references that put STR in a positive light. But here in Delaware, the attacks continue unabated, from the only organization formally recognized by LAB as representing the State's bicyclists and constituent organizations. We continue to see the active removal of STR signs, and a push to erase any reference to the slogan found on-line. To help our readers draw their own conclusion about the effectiveness of STR, we ran an Internet search and found tons of successful campaigns, including vanity license plates in close to 20 States. Below is a small sampling, complete with links and excerpts:

From AAA, 5/10 -- AAA appreciates the continued efforts of stakeholders and transportation officials towards making roads safer for motorists and cyclists alike. In recognition of National Bike Month, AAA reminds both motorists and cyclists to be vigilant about sharing the road, and to exercise caution year round.

Cascade Bicycle Club, 7/13 -- “The Share the Road license plate is the only plate that actually sends a message to drivers of other vehicles about safe behavior on the street. A mini-billboard for better behavior, it lets every vehicle that sports the plate convey the message that Washington bikes - even our cars say so,” explained Barb Chamberlain, Executive Director of Bicycle Alliance of Washington.

Bike Portland -- Over the weekend, I noticed several new “Share the Road” billboards throughout the city. I also appreciate how the bicycle is prominently featured and (whether the designers realized it or not) the design highlights a dangerous road condition - sun glare. -- Through the sale of the Share the Road specialty license plates, Bike Florida and the Florida Bicycling Association established mini-grant programs to provide funds to organizations throughout the State who are promoting bicycle and pedestrian safety programs.

Share the Road Cycling Coalition -- Following the 2011 CAA Changing Lanes conference in Vancouver where Share the Road spoke with an international cross section of experts, we approached CAA about helping us with a province-wide "Share the Road" ad campaign. They immediately said yes.

Bike Delaware -- In November, the Delaware Department of Transportation announced that, effective immediately, Delaware would stop using the MUTCD-approved “Share The Road” plaque (W16-1P). More, the department would also start removing all “Share The Road” signs currently installed in Delaware.

*  *  *

Both the Delaware Bicycle Council and Delaware Bikes supported DelDOT's initiative to retire STR signs, assuming that they were phased out going forward with new installations and maintenance. Our decision was based mainly on a technicality. The average travel lane in Delaware is substandard width (11'-12' in most cases), therefore, it is impossible for a bicyclist and most cars to fit within the same lane - abreast - when factoring in the 3' Passing Law. To fix the problem would require that we amend Title 21, making it legal for drivers to cross the double yellow line - with caution - when overtaking bicyclists and other slow moving vehicles. Ohio's Section 4511.31 is one example, and combined with a meaningful PR campaign, would have been the logical choice for us as well.

This latest grandstanding can only hurt the cause of on-road advocacy, and send confusing messages to our government leaders. Unfortunately, it is not without precedent. Bike Delaware's opposition to Same Roads, Same Rules, Same Rights as the official slogan for the See It Both Ways PSA instead gave us "Safety Begins With Sharing". While the former is not ground breaking by any means, it did have a much stronger educational component - and was the clear choice to make.

In summary, let's revisit a post written by Amy Wilburn, Chair of Delaware Bicycle Council, on August 13th: There is nothing intrinsically wrong with the phrase “share the road”. In fact, when it’s used in an educational setting where other information is provided, it’s not confusing at all. It imparts a positive sentiment about caring and respect which we would do well to propagate. We do after all want motorists and bicyclists to share the road, don’t we? We want to impart the idea that one form of transportation doesn’t dominate the others. It’s an important concept to get across, and one that makes biking viable in other countries. So how has a simple phasing out of the signs turned “share the road” into public enemy number one? Why are some advocates urging DelDOT to spend the time and money to completely eliminate the phrase from all promotional and instructional materials?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Why 12-Foot Traffic Lanes Are Disastrous for Safety

From CityLab -- A friend of mine heads an office in the White House. I never see him anymore, except at the occasional black tie design dinner, where he is always good for a couple of gin and tonics as the crowd disperses. At the last such event, he asked me a question. Or maybe he didn't. But I answered it.

"What's the number one most important thing that we have to fight for?" I said. "You mean, besides corporations being people and money being speech?"

"Besides that."

"Well that's easy: 10-foot lanes instead of 12-foot lanes."


And so I did, brilliantly. So brilliantly that the White House issued an Executive Order the very next day. Or so I imagined; such is the power of gin.

Sobered by my now palpable failure, I have steeled myself for the task of explaining here, in a manner that can never be disputed or ignored, why the single best thing we can do for the health, wealth, and integrity of this great nation is to forbid the construction, ever again, of any traffic lane wider than 10 feet. [Full article ...]

Above: West Main Street in Newark with a recently installed bike lane, as part of the Newark Bicycle Plan. The traffic lanes remain at 12' wide.

The new South Main Street bike lanes are a welcome addition to Newark, but here too, the traffic lanes remain at 12' wide. This becomes especially troublesome north of Apple Road, where the bike lane is marginalized along the curb as 4 lanes narrows to 2 (one in each direction).

Poster's note: The primary excuse for 12' traffic lanes in Delaware is the need to accommodate DART buses. Therefore, at least along transit routes, there will be 12' lanes. I added a comment below the article, raising this issue, because nowhere in the article was it mentioned.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Crossing I95 in the Newark area: Welsh Tract Road

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The 2nd of an eight part series, we are examining every I95 overpass/underpass in the greater Newark area from a bicycling safety perspective. Crossing I95 is a major impediment for City and area bicyclists, and a show stopper for many who might otherwise consider commuting or riding for basic transportation. Of the eight, we already know the following:
  • 2 are equipped with a truly safe, segregated pathway intended for non-motorized use - but are not necessarily safe to reach on a bike.
  • 2 contain access ramps to and from I95 in both directions, rendering them totally unsafe.
  • 6, which includes this one, are direct crossings with no I95 access, but contain little or no bikeable shoulder space.
  • By request of Delaware Bikes Advocates, 4 are under consideration for Bicycle Warning Signs.

The Welsh Tract Road I95 overpass
is just west of Route 896. Despite added hills, many bicyclists use this to circumvent the Route 896 (College Avenue) clover leaf. Mountain bicyclists also frequent the area, and use Welsh Tract as a connector between Newark and Iron Hill Park. This is easily the least congested and shortest of the I95 crossings, and features a reasonably clean 3' shoulder. 6-10'' of shoulder opens up in both directions immediately before and after the span. Despite all the advantages above, however, most of Welsh Tract Road itself ranges from non-shouldered to intermittent shoulders at best.

Tips for crossing I95 on Welsh Tract Road:
  • In the interest of safety, and for peace of mind, always use a rear-view mirror to monitor overtaking traffic.
  • Wear a safety vest, and/or mount a reflective triangle to your rear rack bag or back pack, if you have one.
  • This is not an arterial road, and speed limits range from 25 to 35 mph. Generally, you can safely maintain your position within or just outside of the shoulder while crossing this span.
  • If this I95 crossing is too intimidating, slow down and stop before the shoulder narrows. Wait for a comfortable break in traffic before charging across the span. If timed right, it is possible to clear the overpass with few or no cars overtaking.

A view of the span heading east toward Newark.

Welsh Tract is a common detour around the Route 896/College Ave cloverleaf, as illustrated above. It adds a significant climb over Iron Hill via Whittaker Road, tempting cyclists to stay the course and tough it out on 896.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Smart Cycling Course: Traffic Skills 101

Presentations & skills training, followed by a group ride, will make you a more confident cyclist. See flyer below for more details!

WHERE: WILMAPCO, 850 Library Avenue, Newark (MAP)

WHEN: Saturday, October 18th, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

COST: $30.00 for White Clay Bicycle Club Members (WCBC), $50.00 for non-members.

INSTRUCTORS: Paul Hess, John & Ceci McCormick. To register contact Paul Hess –