Wednesday, January 22, 2014

B.E.S.T. meeting on 2/12 will focus on Curriculum, Pilot Program, Summit

By Ceci McCormick

The next meeting of the B.E.S.T. Group will be held on Wednesday, February 12th at 7:00 PM, at NHPS (Nemours Health & Prevention Services) in Newark (map). The agenda will include a review of the B.E.S.T. Curriculum (below), discussion of the criteria for an Active Transportation pilot program using this curriculum document, and presentation planning for the Heels & Wheels Summit in March. 

John and  Ceci will be co-hosting the Summit's Safety & Education' s session with Jennifer Baldwin, the Pedestrian and Bicycle Coordinator for Raleigh, N. Carolina. Information that will be presented during the session includes the following: 

B.E.S.T. Session: Heels & Wheels Summit 2014
Background:  In the fall of 2012, various advocates for increased participation in active transportation in Delaware discussed the need for some coordination among the groups. The belief was that sharing information, and supporting each other, would allow everyone to be more effective, powerful advocates for a healthier life style.

The initial brainstorming session was designed to begin to create alignment among bicycle advocacy groups, DelDOT, and state education officials regarding teaching an LAB-based Bicycle Safety Course to children in Delaware. The first meeting of this group was framed by a draft vision statement [“Teach a comprehensive bicycle safety course to every 5th grade class in Delaware each year, so that in 10 years we’ll have an emerging adult population with an appreciation for cycling as an activity and lifestyle”] and a name [Bicycle Education and Safety Training [B.E.S.T.].  During that meeting, the name and vision statement began to evolve, based on the input of the participants. Currently:
  • B.E.S.T. stands for Bringing Education and Safety Together
  • The vision statement is: “Promote bicycling, walking, and public transportation (Active Transportation) in a way that engages the talents, energies and influence of the various advocacy groups and local, county and state resources, so that our collective efforts are aligned and coordinated, and Delaware’s active transportation initiatives are recognized  as a model program.
The Goal: Pilot an Active Transportation Program at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels during the 2014-15 school year, in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex Counties. This program offers a low cost, inclusive way to meet Delaware’s Physical Education Standards and increase physical activity for students in Kindergarten through 12th Grade.
  1. Use the Lifetime Fitness B.E.S.T. Curriculum as the basis for the program at each school.  The curriculum is specific to the transportation abilities of several age groups (e.g. K-2, Gr. 3-5) and develops an understanding of – and interest in – active transportation over time.
  2. B.E.S.T. Members to support school personnel as they implement the program (e.g. email, on site, bring questions to a B.E.S.T. Meeting)
  3. B.E.S.T. Members and school personnel to evaluate program at the end of the year and offer recommendations.

If you support the mission of B.E.S.T., and want to become more involved, please email Ceci or John McCormick today: j.c.mccormick[at]

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