Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Route 13 Bike Lane Survey ends on January 1, 2015

AASHTO compliant bike lanes were installed on Route 13 almost 2 years ago. DelDOT rightfully included the non-motorized in the Pave & Rehab process, as a steady stream of bicycle commuters pedal daily (and take transit) on what most consider Delaware's most popular Main Street. We are running this simple survey, to give DelDOT some basic feedback, and let them know whether or not the addition of bike lanes has helped safety along this busy corridor.

If you have cycled the corridor since the last repaving project, please click on the survey below to open up a printable version, or simply use the on-line version HERE

Please help distribute this survey, by liberally forwarding or cross-posting this link to those you know who might bike - or has biked on Route 13 since the bike lanes were installed. Route 13 is anything but hospitable to non-motorized road users, but as one respondent commented, "It's a start, but a slow one". Few will disagree that adding bike facilities with lane reshuffling and delineation is a cost effective way to get the ball rolling in terms of Complete Streets implementation. And the streets are all we have, and will have for generations to come, in nearly every corner of Delaware.

Above: An artist's rendition of Route 13/DuPont Highway, as it was originally planned in the 1800s. Imagine what might have been, had we chosen a balanced approach to transportation planning, as it is throughout most of Europe.

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