Wednesday, August 4, 2021

U.S. News & World Report: Delaware #1 Deadliest For Bicycling

... but a new report by StreetLight identifies the most dangerous states for cyclists by fatalities per capita and miles traveled, accounting for states where biking is more commonplace. By this definition, Delaware is the most dangerous state, followed by South Carolina and Florida, which has the most fatalities per capita. On the other side of the list, Massachusetts, New York and Illinois were among the safest states for cyclists. [Full Article ...]

Though shocking, this comes as no surprise really. Despite all the goodwill, and what appear numerous efforts to shore up safety, Delaware's #1 level of service (LOS) priority is still motor vehicles. This includes uninterupted travel at highest possible speed, inducing more and more demand with endless widening of roads, and providing parking craters at the expense of commons and place-making. Combined with infrastructure, retail and civil services that are anything but inviting and safe, almost nobody bikes for transportation in Delaware -- and the few that do are often times in grave danger. To make matters worse, we have a State's advocacy org that is corrupt and has little appetite to do anything meaningful about it.

In Massachusetts, for example, bike-ped crossing enforcement is taken very seriously -- and the results show. With few exceptions, cars begin stopping immediately when bicyclists or pedestrians approach a crossing facility. This sign (right) is but one tool in their toolbox. Instead, however, Bike Delaware quashed any efforts to move in this direction which included updating the vehicle code. Better enforcement with fines of up to $200 go a long way toward increased safety and respect of bicyclists and pedestrians. This, in turn, results in fewer injuries and fatalities, and promotes a culture of awareness and responsibility.

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