Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Abandoned Roads in NCC: Old Harmony

Old Harmony Road was replaced by Harmony Road, a 2-lane arterial with wide shoulders. Fragments of Old Harmony can still be found, including the original bridge over the White Clay Creek. For those with a keen eye, this historic structure is still visible from "New" Harmony Road.

The below stretch between Brookhaven, Green Valley and Richardson's Garden Center serves today as a defacto linear park and non-motorized travel connector. There are no apparent plans to improve upon this wonderful place-making opportunity. It is quite likely that DelDOT owns the property, and that someday the bridge will be demolished. Worse yet, the corridor will be developed or reclaimed as a bypass road. Let's hope that is not the case, and that the community or a non-profit advocacy org will fight for its protection for future generations to enjoy.

Photos below are from June of 2018; it remains virtually unchanged today. At bottom is Google Streetview, to the best location to walk, bike or park your car to begin this trip back in time.

See our entire series on abandoned roads and railroads, in Delaware and beyond, HERE.

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