Hypocrite: Townsend on Facebook |
Paradoxically, Senator Townsend (District 11, New Castle County) remains hugely popular among his Ogletown-S. Newark constituents despite his colossal failure as a legislator and representative of their best interests. But then again, Delawareans in general have a penchant for taking it up the backside, all the while begging for more. They stay loyal to his Facebook page, where Mr Townsend cross-posts environmental issues with a sense of outrage, and what appears genuine anger and remorse toward our planet's death spiral under the Trump administration. There is simply no end to the lies and con-artistry this man is capable of, given his dismal record as a State Senator right here in Delaware. The hypocrisy is staggering, as charity is supposed to "begin" at home.
Not only is Mr Townsend one of the worst environmental enemies (as chronicled on
this page -- see "Top Articles" series in the right column) to serve office in any State, he also has
zero interest in quality of life and green transportation that includes walking and biking. His district IS
entropy made visible, with infrastructure at least as bad or worse than most 3rd world countries.
And where is Bike Delaware on this issue?
Nowhere, that's where. Here are a few local examples, found just in Ogletown, that make critical connections between communities, circumventing arterials roads:
"Pathway" connecting Cherokee Woods with Our Redeemer Church/Chestnut Hill Estates. |
"Bike Path" along Route 4, in front of the Christina Early Education Center. Zero maintenance or repair. |
"Curb ramp" and pathway between Ogletown Rd and Route 4 at D&H Jamaican. Not only is this not ADA-compliant, it has never been maintained in any way, much less rehabbed or resurfaced. |
Pathway connecting Todd Estates/Newark Oaks/Brookside to Jennie Smith ES and George Kirk MS. This facility is heavily relied upon by school children walking and biking to school, easily the healthiest thing a child can and should engage in. Most who use it walk or bike through the adjacent driveway instead, before reconnecting near the trip hazard (below) further up. |
Also along the pathway connection above; a major tripping hazard, the result of settling concrete slabs and zero maintenance or repair. |
Death trap: Posted speed limit of 50 mph (55-60 prevailing) in front of
Ogletown area schools.
This is what you can expect under failed leadership, in this case Senator Townsend and cohort Rep Ed Osienski, along with their NCC Democratic colleague Lisa Diller. The trio --
most influential among them Townsend -- also could have gifted their districts a regional park on Route 4 on the former Orphanage Property. Instead,
they lied and chose to
hide that possibility from Advocates and the broader public for a full 2 years or until such time it was committed to development and couldn't be stopped. All the while, Route 4 is slowly but surely evolving into a Kirkwood Hwy or Route 13, with endless lane expansion projects, installations of overhead lights, clear cutting of trees, and other assaults on community life and place-making.
Despite being one of the most, if not
the most disenfranchised regions of the State, these legislators go on enjoying
broad support among their constituents, easily defeating their challengers in each election cycle.
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