Monday, November 13, 2017

Shared Right Turn-Only Lane a hit at DelDOT's Innovation Fair

Mark Luszcz, Chief P.E., DelDOT
big tip of the helmet to Mark Luszcz, Chief P.E., and his Team at DelDOT Traffic for working with Advocates in pioneering the shared right turn-only lane treatment. It is the opinion of 1st State Bikes that, if Bicycle-Friendly State rankings were based on DOT responsiveness alone, Delaware would top the list.

The design, testing, and implementation of this basic yet anxiously awaited treatment exemplified Advocates working alongside DelDOT to improve safety in the built environment. The boards below, displayed on easels at their Innovation Fair, capsulized the effort to attendees, which included these quotes:
  • "For virtually no added cost beyond a little extra paint, bicyclists (and e-bikes, and even mopeds) are now encouraged to ride in the most optimal position where visibility (and thus safety) is concerned. Few things can improve arterial roads for multi-modal safety, but adapting road shoulders to bike lanes and sharing right turn-only lanes does improve awareness and respect. It validates bicyclists as legitimate road users by defining a continuous lane that accounts for the laws of movement. It's a win-win for all road users, and has become the envy of other State's advocacy organizations that can only wish their DOT was this creative and forward thinking. A big tip of the helmet to Mark Luszcz and his Traffic Dept from bicyclists statewide."  ~Frank Warnock, Chair, 1st State Bikes
  • "Although it is fortunate that many of Delaware’s arterial roads have a shoulder, before the shared bicycle/right turn only lane and accompanying legislation, cyclists were legally required to merge into high speed traffic at intersections with a right turn only lane.  Cyclists now have a choice: they have the on road facilities and the legal right to maintain a continuous and predictable line of motion outside of the lanes of high speed traffic.  This adds to comfort and safety for many of us cyclists, and is greatly appreciated."  ~Amy Wilburn, Past Chair, Delaware Bicycle Council
  • "Good decision on the road markings ... this will increase vehicle awareness of bikes on the roadway ... and add clarity to the new law."  ~Fred Tarburton, Citizen Advocate
Though Advocates still diverge with DelDOT on some issues, it has been a superb working relationship, especially since Complete Streets was enacted. It's also important to note that it's not always a one-way street; Advocates have a history of helping DelDOT when it comes to efficiency and streamlining. This includes improving W-11 warning signage, reducing "share the road" sign clutter in favor of a more targeted approach, and helping revise their sweeping program to focus on areas most prone to debris.

Thank you DelDOT for featuring this project and we look forward to many more in the future!

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