Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Sloppy journalism on full display at Delaware On-Line

By Angela Connolly --

Here's how bike/ped tragedies are misreported. The Wilmington News Journal, in this article, states that:

"One person is dead after a bicycle collided with a dump truck near Laurel on Wednesday morning, police said".

Well, that's not how it happened; the dump truck hit the rear of the bicycle with his bumper because he didn't see him. That is NOT a bicyclist colliding by any normal interpretation. It's just another bicyclist killed because he was mowed down by an irresponsible driver.

The headline should have read "Bicyclist killed when struck from behind by dump truck". Just another senseless fatality that, like in most cases, the bicyclist (or pedestrian) is faulted when in fact the details show otherwise.

Read the tragic story on Delaware On-Line

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